
    Regional geological and mineral resources characteristics of Iceland

    • 摘要: 冰岛是欧洲的第二大岛屿,在成因类型上,是由于地幔柱上涌而形成的碱性玄武岩区,属于周期性的海底岩浆活动和海底火山喷发而形成的火山岛。全岛主要由玄武岩组成,并可分为4个主要地层单元,分别为中新世-早上新世岩层、晚上新世-早更新世岩层、晚更新世岩层及冰后期岩层。构造方面,冰岛火山断裂系统发育,可分为3个火山侧翼带和4个火山裂谷带。冰岛地热资源极丰富,其具有分布广、类型多、温度高、地热流体多为淡水等特征。近年来,冰岛发现了一系列金矿(化)点,主要分布在冰岛沿海地区,可分为3个成矿带,与地热系统具有密切的时空分布关系,成因类型多为浅成低温热液型金矿床,与中国新疆西天山地区阿希金矿床具有相似的成矿环境和地质特征。在系统收集前人资料的基础上,简要介绍了冰岛地质特征及演化历史,阐述了冰岛地热、金矿资源分布规律,旨在为中国地质科技人员了解冰岛的地质和矿产资源特征提供参考依据。


      Abstract: Located in central North Atlantic Ocean, Iceland is an island lying between the North Atlantic and Greenland Sea.It is the second largest island in Europe.It is an alkaline basalt area, which belongs to the periodic submarine magmatism and submarine volcano eruption resulting from mantle plume upwelling.The island is mainly composed of basalt, and can be divided into four major stratigraphic units, i.e., the Tertiary unit, the Plio-Pleistocene unit, the Upper Pleistocene unit and the Postglacial unit.The Icelandic volcano fracture system can betectonically divided into three flank zones and four volcanic rift zones.The geothermal resources in Iceland have such features as wide distribution, various types, high temperature, and freshwater nature of the geothermal fluid.In recent years, geological departments have found a series of gold deposits(mineralization spots)in Iceland.Mainly distributed in the coastal areas of Iceland, they can be divided into three metallogenic belts.Being epithermal deposits, the gold deposits have a close relationship with the geothermal system.It should be mentioned that they are very similar to the Axi gold deposit in northern Xinjiang.Based on previous data, this paper introduces the geological features and evolution history of Iceland briefly, and elaborates the distribution of geothermal and gold resources so as to provide a reference for Chinese scientists and technicians.


