
    Long records of paleoearthquakes along the Xorkoli section of the Altyn Tagh fault

    • 摘要: 长序列古地震记录是理解断裂地震复发行为的关键,亦是区域地震危险性评价的重要基础。阿尔金断裂作为世界上最长的走滑断裂之一,其大地震复发行为一直是地震地质学家关注的重点。在该断裂中段索尔库里段开挖的探槽记录了8~9次古地震事件,发生时间分别为AD1598(1491~1740)、AD796(676~926)、668(732~590)BC、956(1206~716)BC、1301(1369~1235)BC、2105(2232~1987)BC、2664(2731~2601)BC、2818(2878~2742)BC和3411(3521~3205)BC。平均复发周期为620±410 a,变异系数为0.67,显示了弱准周期性。通过与其他研究点位的古地震数据对比,发现只有部分强震扩展至阿克塞弯曲内部。根据古地震复发周期和最新一次古地震的离逝时间,计算结果表明索尔库里段已经累积了3.3~4.6m的位移量,相当于Mw7.4~7.7地震,且未来30年发生强震的概率为0.07。


      Abstract: Long records of paleoearthquakes are essential for understanding earthquake recurrence behavior of active faults and evaluating regional seismic hazard.The Altyn Tagh fault, one of the longest strike-slip faults in the world, is a research focus among seismic geologists.The authors documented a long paleoseismic record along the Xorkoli section of central Altyn Tagh fault.Eight or probably nine earthquakes were identified based on event evidence in the forms of open fissures, folds, unconformities, and upward fault terminations, with ages of AD1598 (1491~1740), AD796 (676~926), 668 (732~590) BC, 956 (1206~716) BC, 1301 (1369~1235) BC, 2105 (2232~1987) BC, 2664 (2731~2601) BC, 2818 (2878~2742) BC and 3411 (3521~3205) BC respectively.The mean recurrence interval is 620±410 a with a coefficient of variation of 0.67, indicating that earthquake recurrence is weakly periodic.Synthesis of paleoseismic sites from the central Altyn Tagh fault indicates that not all earthquakes ruptured to the eastern end of the Xorkoli section, within the Aksay restraining bend.Given the 420 a elapsed time since the most recent event, a large surface-rupturing earthquake could occur at any time along the central section.


