
    Monitoring and evaluation of mine geological environment in the Muli coal mining area based on remote sensing

    • 摘要: 为揭示木里煤矿开采对生态环境的破坏程度,通过2010年和2013年2期高分辨遥感影像监测,野外调查和水土样品采集,开展了矿山地质环境问题和承载力的调查,查明了问题并对其破坏程度和承载能力进行了评价。结果表明,矿区地形地貌景观和土地资源占压与破坏严重,河水受到Cu、Pb、Cr和Zn的污染,土壤受到Cd、As污染,高山草甸和沼泽地破坏及退化现象严重,冻土含水层结构遭到破坏,地质环境承载力适中。评价结果可为政府和矿山企业开展矿山地质环境恢复治理提供基础资料。


      Abstract: In order to reveal the damage degree of Muli coal mining to the ecological environment, the authors used the 2010 and 2013 two phases of high resolution images of remote sensing monitoring, field investigation, and the soil and water sample collection to investigate mining geo-environmental problems and carrying capacity, The problem was identified and its damage degree and carrying capacity were evaluated. The results show that landform landscape and land resources destruction has been very serious, the water is polluted by Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn, the soil is polluted by Cd and As, the alpine meadow contamination and wetland destruction and degradation are serious, the frozen soil aquifer structure is destroyed, and the mine geological environment bearing capacity is moderate. The evaluation results can provide new basic information for the government and mine enterprises to carry out the recovery management of mine geological environment.


