
    A study of the distribution of high-grade gemstone and jade deposits in coun-tries of "The Belt and Road"

    • 摘要: "一带一路"地区由于特殊的地质构造环境,发育宝玉石矿床,特别是高级宝玉石矿床。对于相关国家的高级宝玉石矿床,前人虽进行过一定程度的研究,但并未从"一带一路"的角度进行探索研究。鉴于此,在相关资料研究的基础上,对"一带一路"地区高级宝玉石矿床的分布规律进行了归纳与总结,以期为中国企业掌握"一带一路"地区宝玉石信息提供参考资料,同时为相关国家勘查开发宝玉石矿床提供资料,促进其经济发展。研究表明,金刚石矿床主要分布在俄罗斯、中国、印度等地,尤以俄罗斯西伯利亚地区为主要生产地,分为原生矿床和次生矿床2种;翡翠矿床主要分布在缅甸、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和中国,其中缅甸是翡翠产量最高、品质最好的国家,产量占全世界产量的95%,分布在缅甸北部克钦邦的帕敢-道茂一带,有原生矿床和次生矿床2种类型;祖母绿矿床分布比较广泛,在阿富汗、哈萨克斯坦、巴基斯坦、印度、俄罗斯和中国都有分布,尤以俄罗斯乌拉尔地区祖母绿较出名,分为气成热液型和伟晶岩型2种;软玉矿床分布在中国、俄罗斯和韩国,尤以中国新疆的和田玉最出名,有岩浆热液型和变质热液型2种类型。


      Abstract: There are 65 countries in the "The Belt and Road" region. Due to special geological tectonic environment, these coun-tries have produced gemstone and jade deposits, especially senior gemstone and jade deposits. Relevant researchers have conducted some studies of gemstone and jade deposits, but not from the perspective of "The Belt and Road" strategic plan. The authors summa-rized gemstone and jade deposit distribution in "The Belt and Road" region by consulting a lot of relevant data, in the hope of pro-viding gemstone and jade information of "The Belt and Road" region for Chinese enterprises and relevant countries so as to promote economic development. Diamond deposits are distributed in Russia, China and India, especially in Russian Siberian region, and there are two types:the primary deposit and the secondary deposit. Jadeite deposits are distributed in Myanmar, Russia, Kazakhstan and China. The Myanmar jadeite, distributed in Kachin Hpakan-Tawmaw of northern Myanmar, is characterized by high output and good quality, and the output possesses 95% of the world's output; there are two types:the primary deposit and the secondary deposit. Emerald deposits are distributed in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Russia and China. Russian Ural's emerald is especially fa-mous, with two types:the pneumatolytic hydrothermal deposit and the pegmatite deposit. Nephrite deposits are distributed in China, Russia and South Korea, especially in Xinjiang of China, having two types:the magmatic hydrothermal deposit and the metamorphic hydrothermal deposit. Htian jade of Xinjiang is most famous in the world.


