
    Structural characteristics and controlling factors in western Tabei uplift-Kuqa depression area, Tarim Basin

    • 摘要: 塔北隆起-库车坳陷是塔里木盆地重要的油气富集区,探讨区域构造特征及主要控制因素对油气勘探具有重要意义。利用地球物理资料,应用生长地层及应力学分析方法对研究区地震剖面进行解释与复原,并对区域内主要新生界生长构造发育的时序进行界定。研究结果表明,区内东西段构造挤压时间及变形特征存在明显差异。新生界挤压构造发育时间自东向西由早到晚,沿古近系滑脱面,新生界构造变形自北部向盆内传播的距离差别显著:西段传播距离较远,东段较近;西部滑脱构造发育,冲断构造较少,中、东部相反,新生界构造变形局限于库车坳陷内。通过综合对比分析,造山带挤压背景下区域内古应力场在古近纪后发生明显的逆时针压扭,古近系膏泥岩层为构造变形向盆内传播提供了重要条件,大型冲断构造的发育及坳隆转换带基底的挠曲有效地释放分解了来自北部的挤压作用,这是区内构造特征东西差异的主要原因。


      Abstract: The Tabei uplift-Kuqa depression area is an important area of petroleum accumulation. The research results obtained by the authors contribute to oil and gas exploration by studying the structural characteristics and controlling factors in this area. Based on the seismic profiles, the authors interpreted the seismic activity and reconstructed the section, and then analyzed the structural features and characteristics of growing strata. The results show that the time of the growing structure development is earlier in the east than in the west, and the spread distance of the tectonic deformation from north to south varies significantly. Detachment structures are well developed in the west where the spread distance is longer than that of the east section. In contrast, the spread distance in the east section is limited in Kuqa depression area. Based on a comprehensive analysis, the compression-shearing in this area was characterized by right-handed rotation after the Paleogene; in the Paleogene gypsum and mudstone layers, well-developed thrust structures and the basement flexure constituted the principal factors which impacted the tectonic deformation structure styles from east to west in this area.


