
    Rare earth element characteristics of sediment samples of Triassic maximum flooding period in Longdong area of Ordos Basin and their provenance significance

    • 摘要: 上三叠统延长组长7沉积时期为鄂尔多斯盆地的最大湖泛期, 对陇东地区及盆地周缘古陆的岩石样品进行稀土元素地球化学分析, 发现研究区泥岩样品特征与大陆上地壳一致, 其稀土元素配分模式与盆地北-东北缘阴山大青山、西南缘陇西古陆、西北缘阿拉善古陆和南缘秦岭的古老岩浆岩和变质岩的稀土元素配分模式基本一致, 与东缘吕梁山古老花岗岩则极度不同。研究认为, 研究区沉积物源岩主要来自于上地壳, 以长英质岩石为主, 长7时期周缘古陆均为湖盆提供物源, 而吕梁山当时并未隆起, 不提供物源。


      Abstract: The period of Chang 7 deposition in Upper Triassic was the maximum flooding period of Ordos Basin. Rare earth elements(REE) analyses of rock samples from the study area and around the basin show that the REE characteristics of mudstone samples of the study area is similar to the characteristics of UCC, and the REE patterns are basically the same as the patterns of ancient granite and metamorphic rocks around the basin, except for the ancient granite of Luliang Mountains in the east region. The experimental results demonstrate that the sediments of the study area were derived from UCC, with the main composition being felsic rock. All old lands around the basin provided sediments except Luliang Mountains, which were not uplifted at that time.


