
    Evaluation of shale gas resources in Yuqia sag of Qaidam Basin

    • 摘要: 柴达木盆地北缘柴页1井揭示, 鱼卡凹陷中侏罗统大煤沟组具有页岩气形成的地质条件, 但资源潜力不明。结合钻井和地震资料, 识别和优选含气页岩厚度、面积、含气量等参数, 采用体积法计算鱼卡凹陷页岩气地质资源量。结果表明, 埋深1500~3000m的页岩气资源最为富集, 占鱼卡凹陷总地质资源量的38.95%, 其中游离气占38%, 展示了鱼卡凹陷良好的页岩气资源前景


      Abstract: Middle Jurassic Dameigou Formation shale, which is well developed in northern Qaidam Basin. Yuqia sag possesses favor-able geological conditions for shale gas, as shown by Chaiye-1 well; nevertheless, the resource potential of shale gas remains unclear. In combination with drilling and seismic data, the authors identified the parameters of gas-bearing shale such as thickness, area, and gas content of shale, and then evaluated geological resources of shale gas in Yuqia sag with the volume method. The results show that the resources of shale gas in the buried depth of 1500~3000m of Yuqia sag are very abundant and are likely to account for 38.95% of the total shale gas geological resources, and in particular, the free gas can account for 38% of the total gas, thus showing good resource prospect of shale gas in Yuqia sag.


