
    River leakage ratio and leakage amount in the Qaidam Basin

    • 摘要: 柴达木盆地气候干旱,降水稀少,地下水补给来源主要为河流渗漏,如何计算河流渗漏量是地下水资源评价必须解决的首要问题。根据柴达木盆地河流渗漏特征,在河流渗漏量组成分析的基础上,建立了适用于自由渗漏型河流的渗漏率经验公式,并利用该公式对比计算了柴达木盆地格尔木河、塔塔棱河、鱼卡河的河流渗漏率,其结果与实测值相近,表明所建立的渗漏率公式具有一定的适用性和普遍性。同时,计算了柴达木盆地主要河流的渗漏率和渗漏量,结果表明,流量大于10m3/s的河流,渗漏率为61.1%~78.3%;流量小于5m3/s的河流,渗漏率为94.5%~99.9%,符合该地区河流渗漏的一般性规律。研究提出的渗漏率公式对水文地质条件相似区地下水资源评价具有借鉴意义。


      Abstract: The Qaidam Basin is in the arid climate, and precipitation is very insufficient. Groundwater recharge is mainly from the river leakage. The calculation of the river leakage is the primary problem in the evaluation of groundwater resources. According to the characteristics of river leakage, an empirical equation that is applicable to the free leakage river is presented in this paper based on the analysis of the components of river leakage. The leakage ratios of the Golumd River, Tatalin River and Iqe River were calculated using the empirical equation. The results are similar to the measured leakage quantity, suggesting that the empirical equation has certain applicability and universality. Leakage ratio and leakage quantity of the main rivers in the Qaidam Basin were calculated. The result shows that the leakage ratios of the rivers with flow rate greater than 10m3/s are 61.1%~78.3%, whereas leakage ratios of the rivers with flow rate less than 5m3/s are 94.5%~99.9%. The result follows the general law of river leakage in the area. The leakage ratio equation developed in this study can be applied to areas with similar hydrogeological conditions.


