
    The methods for determining the indicative factors of heavy metal cumulative effect in soil: Grey correlation analysis and mathematical statistics methods

    • 摘要: 土壤重金属累积作用指示因子的确定,目前常用方法主要是基于背景值。背景值的研究受到长期关注,并在部分地区积累了较丰富的资料,然而也有些区域受人类活动等的影响,其背景值已不易获得,以致于该方法使用受阻,很有必要另寻适宜方法。为此,分别尝试利用灰色关联度分析与描述性数理统计原理筛选指标因子,并以小秦岭金矿区农田土壤为典型案例开展验证性研究。结果表明,所研究的两种方法能为上述两种情况筛选出适宜的指示因子,是土壤重金属累积作用指示因子筛选的适宜方法。


      Abstract: The indicative factors of heavy metal cumulative effect in soil environment are important for preventing soil from contamination and its remediation. At present, the common methods for the factors selecting are mainly based on the soil background value,nevertheless, there are two extreme cases where the soil background value is lacking or inadequate, and hence the common methods cannot be used. In view of these two cases, this paper presents two new methods by using descriptive statistics and grey relational analysis respectively. A comparative study of the realities of situation shows that both methods are feasible.


