Based on interpretation and mapping of the formation of the image after a variety of high-resolution satellite data processing at Qinghai mining survey area, the authors mastered the technical methods for reasonable choice of remote sensing data sources, calculation of remote sensing image scale by using mapping software, and compilation of field survey and result interpretation maps. Some understanding has been obtained: During the choice of remote sensing data, technical parameters of different data, performance-cost ratio and area of the survey district should be taken into account; there exists direct relationship between the scale, the spatial resolution of the image, the size of the pixel and the documents when the map resolution is determined. The authors also established a formula and method for calculating the optimum scale of remote sensing images and best mapping scale and described the processes and methods for preparing graphs and maps of mine field survey results and remote sensing interpretation by using Photoshop and Mapgis software. These results have been playing a positive role in guiding the survey of environmental effects caused by mining development in Qinghai Province and fully embody the advantages of high-resolution remote sensing images in areas of difficult working conditions.