
    The discussion on heavy metal accumulation regularity in the soil and crop of the Xiaoqinling gold mining area

    • 摘要: 土壤-农作物重金属富集规律是土壤和农作物重金属风险管控的关键问题。通过实地调查、现场采样、实验测试、综合分析等方法,重点研究了金矿活动影响区内的土壤Hg、Pb、Cr、As、Cu、Zn等重金属元素的全量、有效态含量特征,以及小麦不同部位与立地土壤中重金属含量之间的关系。结果表明:土壤Hg、Pb、Cu元素累积显著,Hg、Pb含量平均超标倍数为6.65、2.04倍;土壤中Hg(34.44%)、Pb(83.31%)、Cu(44.24%)、Zn(40.82%)的有效态含量占相应重金属全量的比例高,是危害农作物的主要元素;小麦籽中Hg、Pb、Zn元素平均超标率分别为26.33%、100%、26.32%;除Zn元素外,Hg、Pb、Cr、As、Cu含量全部符合籽粒<茎杆<根须<土壤的规律;重金属含量的富集率平均值排序为Zn(30.54%)>Cu(10.33%)>Pb(0.45%)>As(0.38%)>Hg(0.14%)>Cr(0.13%),Zn、Cu是小麦富集能力强的重金属元素。


      Abstract: Accumulation regularity analysis of heavy metal content in soil-crops is a key to risk management of heavy metals in the soil and corps. On the basis of such means as field investigation, field sampling, testing and comprehensive analysis, the research in this paper is mainly focused on characteristic analysis of the total amount and effective content of such elements as Hg, Pb, Cr, As, Cu and Zn which are influenced by the gold mine activities as well as the relationship between the different parts of wheat and the soil. According to the results obtained, Hg, Pb and Cu in the soil accumulate significantly; Hg, Pb, Cd exceed their respective average value by 6.65, 2.04 and 1.68 times; the soil Hg (34.44%), Pb (83.31%), Cu (44.24%) and Zn (40.82%) are main elements that harm crops due to high proportion of their effective content in the corresponding total amount of heavy metals; the average exceeding rates of Hg, Pb, Zn in wheat are 26.33%, 100% and 26.33% respectively; Hg, Pb, Cr, As and Cu coincide with the regularity seedCu(10.33%)>Pb(0.45%)>As(0.38%)>Hg(0.14%)>Cr(0.13%). The accumulation of Zn and Cu in wheat is the most powerful.


