Accumulation regularity analysis of heavy metal content in soil-crops is a key to risk management of heavy metals in the soil and corps. On the basis of such means as field investigation, field sampling, testing and comprehensive analysis, the research in this paper is mainly focused on characteristic analysis of the total amount and effective content of such elements as Hg, Pb, Cr, As, Cu and Zn which are influenced by the gold mine activities as well as the relationship between the different parts of wheat and the soil. According to the results obtained, Hg, Pb and Cu in the soil accumulate significantly; Hg, Pb, Cd exceed their respective average value by 6.65, 2.04 and 1.68 times; the soil Hg (34.44%), Pb (83.31%), Cu (44.24%) and Zn (40.82%) are main elements that harm crops due to high proportion of their effective content in the corresponding total amount of heavy metals; the average exceeding rates of Hg, Pb, Zn in wheat are 26.33%, 100% and 26.33% respectively; Hg, Pb, Cr, As and Cu coincide with the regularity seed
Cu(10.33%)>Pb(0.45%)>As(0.38%)>Hg(0.14%)>Cr(0.13%). The accumulation of Zn and Cu in wheat is the most powerful.