
    An analysis of formation conditions of biogenic gas in Gushi depression, Weihe basin, Shaanxi Province

    • 摘要: 对渭河盆地固市凹陷新近系张家坡组地质环境的研究表明,该地区沉积速率较快,沉积厚度大,平均地层温度处于48.09~78.24℃之间,水介质的矿化度及PH值适宜,有利于生物气的形成。对固市凹陷的地热水井进行天然气样品采集并送样分析,其组分特征表现出极高的CH4含量,重烃极少,δ13C1的值均小于-60‰,证实该地区的天然气为生物气成因。对张家坡组气源岩的分析结果表明,该组有机碳的平均含量为0.46%,氯仿沥青“A” 的平均含量为0.041%,有机质类型多为Ⅱ1型,镜质体反射率(Ro)平均值为 0.56%,处于以生物化学作用为主的生物—热催化过渡阶段。通过类比发现,该区和著名的柴达木三湖地区生物气田具有相似的生气条件,通过计算证明该区具有一定的生物气勘探前景。


      Abstract: Researches on geological environment of Neogene Zhangjiapo Formation in Gushi depression of Weihe basin show that the conditions of high deposition rate,thick deposition,average formation temperature between 48.09℃ to 78.24℃, proper salinity and optimum Ph values of water media are favorable for the generation of biogenic gas. The analytical result of water-soluble gas samples from geothermal wells show that the content of CH4 is extremely high, heavy hydrocarbon is rare, and δ13C1 values are less than -60‰. It is thus concluded that the water-soluble gas in this area is biogenic gas. The analysis of Zhangjiapo Formation source rock shows that the average values of organic carbon and chloroform bitumen "A" are 0.46% and 0.041%, respectively. The type of organic matter is Ⅱ1 and the mean value of Ro is 0.56%, belonging to biochemical to thermal catalytic transitional stage. The biogenic gas formation condition of Gushi depression is identical to that of Sanhu area which is the famous biogenic gas field. Calculation shows that there exists certain exploration prospect of biological gas in this area.


