
    The effect of gravitational load on salt tectonics of Kuqa Fold Thrust Belt, Northwest China

    • 摘要: 库车褶皱冲断带新生代沉积了库姆格列木群和吉迪克组2套盐岩,发育复杂的盐构造,重力负载对其形成和发育具有重要影响。利用水压头分析方法,分析了重力对库车褶皱冲断带盐构造的影响。重力负载对盐岩流动的影响包括重力扩张和沉积负载2种,重力扩张作用由盐岩受自身重力控制,而沉积负载作用由上覆沉积物重力作用控制。水压头分析表明在盐岩高程大的地方,其沉积负载往往更小。在重力扩张和沉积负载共同作用下,库车褶皱冲断带不会发生由盐岩自身重力而形成的重力扩张,重力负载对库车褶皱冲断带盐岩的影响仅表现为沉积差异负载作用。


      Abstract: Kumugeliemu Group and Jidike Formation with complex salt tectonics are well developed in Kuqa Fold Thrust Belt (KFTB). Gravitational loading has an important impact on their formation and development. In this paper, hydraulic head-gradient analysis was conducted to investigate the influence of gravity on salt tectonics in the Kuqa Fold Thrust Belt. Gravitational load includes gravitational expansion and sedimentary load. Gravitational expansion is caused by the gravity of salt itself, while sedimentary load is formed by the gravity of the overlying sediments. Hydraulic head-gradient analysis shows that, where the salt elevation is higher, the sedimentary load is much lower. Under the joint action of the two effects, salt gravitational expansion cannot happen in KFTB. Only the sediment differential load could cause the salt flow from the depocenter to its edge.


