
    he formation mechanism of Suoertou landslide in Pingding-Huama fault zone, Southern Gansu

    • 摘要: 甘南坪定-化马断裂是现今仍在活动的断裂,具左旋走滑性质。锁儿头滑坡沿坪定-化马断裂带发育,属典型的蠕滑型断裂带滑坡。野外调查及监测资料表明,锁儿头滑坡规模大,为巨型滑坡,其上发育多个次级小滑坡。滑坡体由断层破碎带、碎石土和堆积黄土组成。该滑坡变形强烈,拉张裂缝、剪张裂缝多见,目前处于蠕滑变形状态,是在内外动力耦合条件下形成的。活动断裂对滑坡的形成、发展起控制作用,而降雨则是滑坡复活的主要诱发因素。因此,对锁儿头滑坡成因机制的深入研究可为蠕滑型断裂带滑坡的预测防治提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Pingding-Huama fault in southern Gansu Province is an active fault at present with characteristics of sinistral strike-slip. Suoertou landslide is a typical creep fracture zone landslide developed along Pingding-Huama fault zone. Field investigation and monitoring data reveal that Suoertou landslide is a giant landslide characterized by the development of many secondary landslides; landslide is composed of fault fracture zone, gravel soil and accumulated loess; the deformation of the landslide is intense; the landslide has many tension fractures and shear fractures lying in the creep deformation state. Suoertou landslide is formed under the coupling of endogenic and exogenic geological processes: the active fault controls the formation and development of the landslide, the rainfall is the main factor triggering the revival of the landslide. Therefore, the further study of the formation mechanism of Suoertou landslide can provide theoretical basis for the prediction and control of the creep fracture zone landslide.


