
    3D Reservoir Model of the Yangchang Chang 63 of Heshui area in Ordos Basin

    • 摘要: 通过取心井的岩心资料,综合运用岩性组合特征、沉积结构、构造特征等相标志,将延长组长63段辫状河三角洲前缘亚相划分为水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂、分流间湾4种沉积微相;在此基础上,利用随机建模技术,建立了研究区构造模型和沉积微相模型,并以此为约束条件,采用序贯高斯模拟方法建立三维储层物性模型,精细的表征孔隙度和渗透率的空间展布特征。结果表明,三维储集层模型能够与实际砂体展布和物性特征较好吻合,为油藏模拟、剩余油预测及挖潜调整提供了可靠的依据。


      Abstract: This paper discusses the reservoir modeling technology used in the Chang 63 research of Heshui area in Ordos basin. According to drilling and core analyses and synthetically using the various facies characteristics, such as palaeontologics characteristics, deposition textures, and structure features, this paper points out that the study area belongs to the braided delta front, and analyses the four kinds of sedimentary mirofacies. On the basis, structural model and sedimentary microfacies model are builded by stochastic technology. 3D physical model is builded by lots of indicators. The refined characteristics of such physical parameters as porosity and permeability in 3D area were described by this way. The modeling results show that 3D modeling can show the facts better, and it can provide a reliable basis for oil pool digital simulation, residual oil prediction, adjustment and exploitation.


