
    Geotectonic division of China and some related problems

    • 摘要: 在“新全球构造”思想的指导下,以板块构造学说为基础,以大陆动力学为线索,对中国区域地质构造和演化进行讨论并进行构造区划。由于板块构造随着时间的推移不断地发生变化,本文的构造区划以古生代时中国的板块构造格局为基础,同时考虑前古生代和后古生代时期中国的地壳构造演化,将中国划分为7个一级构造单元(板块)和30个二级构造单元,包括克拉通(或微陆块)和不同时期的造山带。在此基础上讨论了它们的边界和相互关系。


      Abstract: Guided by the new global tectonic thought, based on the plate tectonic theory, and taking the continental dynamics as the clue, the authors have discussed the regional geological tectonic evolution and made tectonic division. As plate tectonics changed constantly with the elapse of time, the tectonic division of China should be based on the plate tectonic framework in Paleozoic period, and pre-Paleozoic and post-Paleozoic crustal tectonic evolution should also be taken into account. The authors thus divide China's territory into seven class-Ⅰ tectonic units(plates) and thirty class-Ⅱ tectonic units, including cratons or microcontinental blocks and orognic zones of different periods. On such a basis, the boundaries of these units and the relationship between different units are discussed.


