
    Distribution characteristics of mine geological hazards in China

    • 摘要: 矿山地质灾害是人类矿业活动和自然地质作用作用于地质环境造成的灾害事件。近几年,随着矿产资源开发力度的不断加大,矿山地质灾害发生频率呈加剧趋势,对矿业正常生产和人居生态环境构成严重的威胁,甚至造成重大的群死群伤灾难。依据2002—2005年全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)矿山地质环境调查与评估的成果资料,利用数据统计、分析、总结的方法,按不同省区市、不同地质环境背景区、不同类型矿产、不同规模的矿山、不同开采方式,简述了中国矿业开发引发的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝5种地质灾害的时空分布特征和危害,为矿山地质灾害监测、防治提供基础信息。


      Abstract: Mine geological hazards are disasters caused by the destruction of geological environment resulting from human mining activity and natural geological activity. In recent years, with the intensifying mineral resources exploitation, mine geological hazards tend to occur more and more frequently, which has seriously threatened people′s production and living safety around some mining areas, and even caused heavy casualties. According to achievements obtained in the investigation and appraisal of the China′s mine geological environment from 2002 to 2005 by means of data statistics, analysis and summarization, and in accordance with geological environmental background divisions, mine types, mine scales and exploitation modes, this paper expounds the distribution characteristics and harmfulness of five kinds of geological hazards, i.e., rockfall, land slide, debris flow, land collapse and ground fissure, with the purpose of providing some basic information for the monitoring, prevention and control of mine geological hazards.


