
    The metallogenic geochemical model and prospecting criteria for the Tongkeng tin deposit in Dachang orefield, Nandan County, Guangxi

    • 摘要: 广西大厂锡矿是一个成矿物质多来源、控矿因素多样化和矿床类型多种类的超大型锡多金属矿床。对其成矿过程中各类组分的分配特征和规律,各类微量元素、有机烃气异常在纵向上的展布特征和异常综合分带模型,深部盲矿预测标志等方面进行了剖析和总结。经研究发现,该区成矿组分复杂,具有多期次脉动成矿的特征,各组分在纵向上产生明显的轴向分带和多个浓集中心。根据区内成矿元素的分带规律预测,认为本区深部还存在铜、锌矿化体。


      Abstract: The Dachang tin deposit is a superlarge nonferrous metal deposit characterized by multiple material sources, complicated metallogenic controlling factors and varied types of ore bodies. In this paper, distribution features of different components, anomaly spread characteristics of trace elements and hydrocarbon along the vertical section and horizontal plane related to the ore-forming process of the Dachang tin deposit were summed up. Meanwhile, the synthetic ideal anomaly model and prognostic exploration indicators for deep blind ore bodies were analyzed and summarized. It is discovered that the ore deposit is characterized by complex mineralizing elements, multiple metallogenic periods, obvious anomaly zoning and several anomaly concentration centers along the vertical section. According to the zoning regularity of ore-forming elements, the possible existence of copper-zinc ore bodies in the depth of this area is pointed out.


