
    The application of hydrocarbon measurement to forecasting mineralization potential of Gengzhuang area, Dachang Township, Nandan County, Guangxi

    • 摘要: 广西大厂矿田为一大型-超大型锡多金属矿田。碳沥青、包裹体、矿石成分分析等方面的研究结果表明,区内成矿过程中存在大量有机质的参与,烃类气体是其重要的伴生组分。通过对土壤中的烃类组分分析发现,其背景含量与异常差异很明显,显示区内存在明显的成矿热液活动,深部有较大的找矿潜力。在总结烃类组分和微量元素As、Sb在更庄地区土壤中的异常展布特征的基础上,结合异常分布区的地质和构造条件,圈出了3个找矿有利区。


      Abstract: The Dachang tin deposit is a superlarge tin polymetallic ore deposit. The research results of tar, components of inclusions and ores show that there were many organic matters which took part in the process of mineralization, with hydrocarbon being the most important associated components. An analysis of the hydrocarbon content in soil reveals that the background and anomaly of hydrocarbon change obviously, and the authors infer that as there probably existed large amounts of ore-forming liquid, the potential of prospecting for ore deposits in the depth is fairly great. According to the distribution characteristics of hydrocarbon and As, Sb anomalies in combination with geological and structural features, three valuable ore-prospecting target areas were delineated in the region.


