
    Geoindicator system of coastline changes

    • 摘要: 海岸带地质环境的演化集中表现是海岸线的变迁。基于对海岸线变迁的影响、演化方式、危害、防治对策等因素的分析,建立影响-状态-结果(CSR)的海岸线变迁的调查指标体系。在调查指标体系的基础上,抽取压力、状态、应对(PSR)指标, 建立中国海岸线变迁的监测指标体系。这对科学评价、监测和管理海岸带的环境具有重要意义。


      Abstract: The evolution of geological environment in the coastal zone concentrates on the changes of the coastline. The survey indicator system of coastline changes was established by Cause-State-Result index (CSR model) based on the analysis of impact, evolution means, hazards and control measures and other factors of coastline changes. The monitoring indicator system of coastline changes was also established by the Pressure-State-Response index (PSR model) on the basis of the investigation indicator system. These results are of great significance in assessing, monitoring and managing coastal environment scientifically.


