After the statistical analysis of lineament structure from CE1-CCD images in this region, two preferential tectonic orientations, NNE-SSW and NWW-SEE, are revealed. This paper proposed that those ruptures were caused by the regional tectonic stress before Imbrium event, and became activated under the influence of Imbrium event and Plato impact, but still kept a stable tectonic sets. The west part of Plato is covered by bright ray material and which causes the difference of reflectance spectrum between west part and east part of Plato. The floor of Plato was filled by dark material. Probably basaltic magmas overflowed from non-single spots based on DEM, and less basic material is contained in that compared with mare basalt implied by the CCD-IIM spectral data. Directed by the reflectance spectrum of Plato's wall material and the statistical results of diameter/depth ratios of some craters with flat floor, this paper proposed that this area is a transitional region between plateau and mare, and covered by the material excavated from moon's lower crust. Based on the integration of conclusions drawn from the analysis of CCD, LAM and IIM, a roadmap of regional evolution is proposed eventually.