
    Landslide risk assessment methods and flow on a large scale—A case study of loess landslides risk assessment in Yan'an urban districts, Shaanxi, China

    • 摘要: 介于区域性和单体滑坡之间,即对面积几十到上百平方千米的滑坡评价,适用于1∶5000~1∶25000之间的大比例尺,而如何对这类区域进行有效的滑坡风险评价是一个值得研究的问题。使用传统的基于GIS的单元栅格运算方法对这类区域进行滑坡风险评价,由于反映评价指标的基础数据精度与评价方法之间的不匹配,无论单元网格划分得如何精细,评价结果仍难达到精度要求。采用一种新的思路和方法,先期通过高精度数字高程模型(DEM)和Quick Bird遥感数据等多信息源,识别潜在的滑坡易发坡体,并初步圈画滑坡的危险区界线和进行承灾体信息解译,再逐一通过野外核查对以上信息加以验证、修正或取消,最后形成符合比例尺精度要求的风险评价图。实践证明,这是一种行之有效的进行大比例尺风险区划和评价的方法。


      Abstract: How to assess the landslides risks on a large scale, which is 1∶5000~1∶25000 and applies for the zoning area tens to hundreds of square kilometers, is a technique problem that deserves to be studied. Using the traditional methods that assess the risk by calculating value for each raster grid based on GIS always can not get the zoning results which meet the accuracy scale required. This paper introduced a new method. Firstly, it identifies the susceptible areas by comprehensively utilizing the high resolution DEM and Quick Bird data. It plots the hazards boundary and interprets the elements at risk on the remote sense image. Secondly, it checks, verifies, or cancels the above results through the field investigation. And finally, it makes the end-produced zoning maps which reach a relative high accuracy. From practical experiences it can see that it is a valid method to do the large scale landslides risk assessment.


