
    Some issues related to soil-groundwater environment research in northern Haihe plain, China

    • 摘要: 海河平原北部地区属于半干旱自然地理环境且仍在干化,自山前至滨海的山麓堆积-河流沉积-海陆交互沉积序列的平原地貌地质环境,土壤地球化学环境以高Ca、Mg、F,低Se、Mo、I和弱碱性为特征且正在经历酸化过程,潜水环境以淡水-微咸水-弱碱性为特征且有碱化的趋势。人为作用与自然作用一起构成了本区水土地质环境演化的双重驱动力,但在表现形式和区域分布方面驱动强度存在明显的差异性,土壤环境质量良好但潜水环境质量较差且均在恶化。


      Abstract: Northern Haihe plain in situated within the semi-arid region of China is still being more and more arid. Proluvio-fluvial plain, fluvial plain, fluvial-marine plain is in deposit sequence from hillside to seashore in northern Haihe plain. The contents of Ca, Mg and F in soil are high, and Se, Mo and I are low. The soil is featured by weak alkaline and is now acidizing. The unconfined groundwater is fresh or fresh-salty and weak alkaline but being basification. Together with natural driving force, artificial driving force has becoming one of the important driving forces to the evolution of soil-groundwater environment, which plays different role in different area. The soil environment is good and the groundwater environment is not good. But both of them are being aggravated.


