辽东半岛细河群沉积岩碎屑锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质意义

    Detrital zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age from the Diaoyutai Formation, Xihe Group in Liaodong Peninsula, China and its geological significance

    • 摘要: 对辽东半岛青白口系骆驼岭组和钓鱼台组沉积岩碎屑锆石进行了测试,根据沉积岩碎屑锆石年龄分布模式探讨了两地的沉积物源和沉积时代的上限。辽东半岛青白口系细河群钓鱼台组碎屑锆石分布模式中年龄主峰值为1.6Ga,最小年龄为1075 Ma,说明钓鱼台组的沉积时代要晚于1000Ma,沉积岩碎屑锆石的年龄分布模式说明该组与华北古陆为不同物源,其时代有可能不一致。同时,根据2009年11月24日全国地层委员会前寒武纪分会扩大会议上形成的一个共识和最新的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄对中国晚前寒武纪地层年表进行重新标定:即长城系(Ch, Pt21)限定为1.8~1.6Ga,蓟县系(Jx, Pt22)限定为1.6~1.4 Ga,待建系(Pt23-4)限定为1.4~1.0Ga,青白口系(Qb, Pt31)限定为1000~780Ma,南华系(Nh, Pt32)限定为780~635Ma和震旦系(Z, Pt33)限定为635~542Ma。


      Abstract: The upper limit line of the deposition of the Diaoyutai Formation is given by distributional pattern of detrital zircon age from the Diaoyutai Formation, Xihe Group, Qingbaikou System. The main volume of the distributional pattern of detrital zircon age is 1.6 Ga and the youngest age is 1075 Ma, which reflects the depositional age is younger than 1.0 Ga. According to the distributional pattern of detrital zircon age from the Diaoyutai Formation, Xihe Group, it shows that the Diaoyutai Formation has different rock sources with North China Block, and they have different ages. The paper confirms the Late Precambrian Geological Time Scale by some new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating results, e.g. Changcheng System(Ch, Pt21)limit is in 1.8-1.6 Ga; Jixian System (Jx, Pt22) limit is in 1.6-1.4 Ga;unnamed system(Pt23-4)limit is in 1.4-1.0 Ga; Qingbaikou System(Qb, Pt31)limit is in 1000~780 Ma; Nanhua System(Nh, Pt32)limit is in 780-635 Ma and Sinian (Z, Pt33) limit is in 635-542 Ma.


