
    New method and theory of metallogenic prediction.

    • 摘要: 成矿预测研究的历史与人类进行矿产勘查的历史紧密联系,随着找矿难度的增大,成矿预测对勘查工作的指导作用越来越重要。现代地质科学的重要特征是冲破学科的界线,立足于整个地质学的高度进行跨学科的联合攻关,方能在理论上和技术方法上有所创新。论述与总结了一些现有成矿预测新方法的特点,包括美国“三步式”固体矿产资源潜力评价方法、成矿系列缺位预测法、基于GIS的综合信息预测法及人工神经网络、多重分形等非线性数学预测方法。这为今后进行成矿预测时在方法选择上提供了一些有益的建议和参考。


      Abstract: Metallogenic prediction research history is closely related to human's mineral exploration. With the increasing difficulty of prospecting, it's indicated that metallogenic prediction can be an important guide to mineral exploration. An important characteristic of modern geosciences is breach of discipline the restriction. Thus focus on the whole geosciences, to conduct jointly inter-disciplinary research, we can obtain theoretical and technical innovations. This paper has summarized characteristics of several existing metallogenic prediction methods, such as "three-step" solid mineral resources evaluation method form USA, Vacancy of Metallogenic Series Prediction, Synthetic Metallogenic Prognosis Method Based on GIS, Artificial nerve network, and Multi-fractal non-linear methods for mineral resource prediction, which will provide useful reference to metallogenic prediction in future.


