The Zhaodaoshan gold deposit, located in the north of the Muping-Rushan ore-forming belt, occurs in Mesozoic Kunyushan monzonitic granite. Ore bodies are controlled by the Jinniushan tectonic zones of NNE striking faults. Results of the metallogenic background, ore geology, ore-controlling factor and the characteristics of concealed orebody show that alterations of wall rock from proximal to distal are pyritization silicification-sericitization, silicification-sericitization and potash-alteration. It is concluded that the mineralizing processes of Zhaodaoshan gold deposit can be divided into four stages: pyrite-quartz stage, quartz-pyrite stage, polymetallic minerals stage and quartz-carbonate stage. The ore bodies occur in contact zone between Kunyushan granite and Archen-Lower proterozoic Jingshan Group metamorphic rock, and occur in the location of NE striking faults, at the cutting point of different faults and in the tectonic fracture zones. The gold enrichment localities distribute in accordance to an approximate equidistant rule. The gold orebodies incline to the SW direction in the south of No. 32 exploration line and to the NE direction in the north of No. 40 exploration line. The article sums up the ore-controlling factors and points out ore exploration prospecting in the deep area of Zhaodaoshan gold deposit.