
    Strengthens the geological data re-development, to provide the information supports to realize the new breakthrough of geology prospecting

    • 摘要: 地质资料开发利用被国家列为新时期地质工作的六大任务之一,足见其重要性。分析认为,地质资料具有科学性、经济性、社会性、原始记录性、历史再现性等多重属性,是地质资源信息的宝库,包含着巨大的经济社会价值。提出以下4点:①开展综合编研,以集成新的复合型地质资料;②开展有用信息的筛选提取,以放大和增强找矿信息;③开展多元信息叠加研究,以进行成矿预测;④再审视、再利用、回头看,以寻找新矿种、新资源等的地质资料编研开发途径,并列举了一些典型实例。还分析了河南省地质资料工作中存在的突出问题,提出了加强地质资料编研开发的若干措施和建议。


      Abstract: The geological data development and utilization is listed as one of the six biggest duties by the government in the recent geology work which indicated its importance. The analysis believed that the geological data has multiple attribute characteristics, such as the scientific nature, the efficiency, the sociality, the historic record, the history reproducibility and so on. It is a geological resources information treasure house, contains huge economic society values. Proposed that compilation and research through the synthesis development, integrates new multi-modes geological data; Carries out the useful information screening extraction, enlarges the enhancement prospecting information; Carries out the multi-dimensional information integration overlying research, in order to implement the mineralization forecasting; Carries out re-examination, re-use and look back methods that seeks for the geological data re-development approaches of new ores and new sources, by the way, enumerated some typical examples. This article has also analyzed the existed problems of Henan geological data work, proposed several measure suggestions to strengthen the geological data re-development.


