
    Distribution of research fields within three units including CAS, CGS and other geo-sciences colleges/universities based on literature metrology.

    • 摘要: 采用文献计量方法对中国地质科学的研究现状开展了定量的学科评价。根据中国地质文献数据库的资料,对中国科学院、中国地质调查局和高等院校三大系统2003—2007年发表的地学文献,按照基础地质、矿产资源、环境地质、技术方法四大类及若干国际热点学科/领域进行了统计。初步分析结果表明,中国科学院在第四纪地质、古生物学等基础地质研究方面国内处于领先地位,在跟踪国际热点和前沿学科方面明显走在国内各部门的前列;中国地质调查局在金属矿产、变质岩、探矿工程等学科方面优势明显;高等院校发表论文数量最多,各学科发展比较均衡,相对而言,沉积岩、工程地质和数学地质具有一定的优势。总体上,中国已经是一个地学大国,但一些国际热点学科(例如行星地质、极地地质、全球变化等)还处于明显的弱势。


      Abstract: This paper has carried out a quantitative evaluation on research fields by using literature metrology so as to make clear the current situation of geo-science research in China. Based on Chinese Geological Literature Database, we have made a statistic of all papers published during 2003 to 2007 by three units including Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Chinese Geological Survey (CGS) and all geo-sciences colleges/schools, and these papers were classified by subjects into “basic geology”, “mineral resources”, “environmental geology” and “geological technology” as well as some hot-spots throughout the domain. Primary results indicate that: (1) CAS is playing a leading role in China in term of Quaternary, Paleontology and other fundamental geological research field; (2) CAS has earned a favorable reputation in term of “metallic mineral resources”, “metamorphic rocks” and “exploration engineering”; and (3) other geo-science colleges/universities have the most papers published with balanced development in all fields, characterized by their sedimentary rocks, engineering geology and mathematical geology. Overall China has already been a large country of geo-sciences,but has been lagged behind international level in some frontier fields such as planetary geology, polar geology, global change, etc.


