
    Analysis on the feasibility of high-level radioactive waste disposal repository establishment in Xinjiang, China

    • 摘要: 高放废物选址是一项万年大计工程,需要多个预选场地的综合比较,决策废物处置库的具体选建场地。论述了高放废物处置库选址过程中需要考虑的主要问题,然后针对新疆的自然环境,水资源、花岗岩体和缓冲/回填材料的分布,以及区域地壳稳定性等因素,讨论了在新疆选建高放废物地质处置库的可能性,并提出了选址方法。


      Abstract: It is a significant and crucial project to establish disposal repository for high level radioactive waste, and an ideal disposal repository should be determined only after due site comparison. This essay firstly discussed the mainaspects that should be considered during the site selection, and then according to practical factors in Xinjiang including natural environment, water resource, granite rock mass, availability of backfill material, as well as regional crust stability, the feasibility of high level radioactive waste disposal repository establishment in Xinjiang is probed into. Also related site selection method is recommended.


