
    The age of Paleogene strata in the Pingyi-Mengyin area, Shandong, China

    • 摘要: 通过对山东平邑—蒙阴地区古近纪地层的野外地质调查和实测剖面,对分布于该区内的古近系进行了详细的研究和划分,提供了新的ESR测年数据,并结合生物地层序列确定了该区古近系的地层顺序为:古近系渐新统汶东组(E3w)、古近系上始新统大汶口组(E23d)、古近系中始新统朱家沟组(E22z)、古近系下始新统常路组(E21c)、古近系上古新统卞桥组(E12b)和古近系下古新统固城组(E11g)。为华北地区乃至全国古近系的研究与划分提供了重要依据。


      Abstract: The authors conducted field geological survey and measured stratigraphic sections of Paleogene strata in the Pingyi-Mengyin area, Shandong, and on that basis, they made a detailed study and stratigraphic division of the Paleogene distributed in the study area and provided new ESR age data. According to these new data, combined with the biostratigraphic sequence, the Paleogene lithostratigraphic sequence in the area is defined as follows (in descending order): Oligocene Wendong Formation (E3w), upper Eocene Dawenkou Formation. (E23d), middle Eocene Zhujiagou Formation (E22z), lower Eocene Changlu Formation (E21c), upper Paleocene Bianqiao Formation (E12b) and lower Paleocene Gucheng Formation (E11g). This study provides an important basis for the study and stratigraohic division and correlation of the Paleogene in North China and even throughout China.


