
    Chinese Permian fusulinid generic zones and international Permian stages

    • 摘要: 中国已建立的二叠系各阶的(筵)的属带,对中国二叠系生物地层的研究曾起到重要的作用。由于二叠系的(筵)的属带时限都很长,定义不明确和地方性较强,中国二叠系的阶不宜再用(筵)的属带来确定。国际二叠系的主导化石门类是牙形刺, 二叠系的3统9阶都是用牙形刺来确定的, 而不是用(筵),更不是用(筵)的属带。进一步研究(筵)类各属内的种一级的谱系演化关系,参照牙形刺带确认(筵)的属种的时限,进行不同相区的对比,是今后二叠纪生物地层研究的重要任务。


      Abstract: The Permian Stages have long been defined by fusulinid generic zones (Genozones), for instance, the Palaeofusu;ina Zone for the Changhsingian Stage and the Gallowayinella Zone for the Wuchiapingian Stage. Such fusulinid zones, from a historical point of view, had played important roles in China’s relevant stratigraphical research. However, fusulinid genera that are selected as zonal indices of the Permian Stages usually have long-ranging forms of regional distribution and consequently the zones can not be clearly and accurately defined. In fact, such kind of generic zones have caused some confusion in stratigraphic correlation. For example, Palaeofusul; ina actually ranges from the early Wuchapingian Stage to the late Changhsingian Stage, rather than are the Changhsingian Stage as some experts advocated, and some can also be applied to some other genera, e.g. Codonofusiella and Reichelina. Therefore, all the Permian fusulinid generic zones have to be re-examined. Obviously, fusulinids are not suitable for the definition of Permian Stages. Now conodonts are used as the leading fossil group in defining the 9 stages and 3 series of the Permian, as adopted by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Two main tasks of Permian biostratigraphy research in the future are (1) establishment of phylogenetic relationship at the species level within every fusulinid genus, and (2) exact correlation of the fusulinid sequence mainly in the shallow water facies with conodont zones mainly in the deep water facies. Fusulinid generic zones established in China should be not used again.


