
    Application of the digital geological survey system in the supplemental survey of 1∶250000 geological survey

    • 摘要: 对数字地质调查系统在1∶25万补力太幅、四子王旗幅区调修测项目中的应用情况进行了讨论,结合1∶25万区调修测的实际情况,把数字填图的核心PRB过程划分了6个阶段。强调了修测图幅对前人资料运用的重要性,提出了收集、录入前人资料的过程及应注意的问题。介绍了野外地质路线、剖面的采集过程和数据整理过程,指出了整理过程中存在的问题及解决方法。


      Abstract: This paper discusses the use of the digital geological survey system in the supplemental survey project of the regional geological survey of 1∶250000 Bulitai Sheet and Siziwang Qi Sheet. Based on the actual conditions of the supplemental survey, the PRB process, which is the core of digital mapping, is divided into six stages. The paper stresses the importance of using previous information in the supplemental geological survey and presents some problems in the collection and input of previous data. In addition, it introduces the processes of collection along the field geological traverses and geological sections and data compilation and analysis and indicates the problems and methods for solving these problems in that process.


