
    Utilization of previous geological data and data collection in 1∶250000 regional geological amendment survey based on the digital mapping system

    • 摘要: 1∶25万区域地质调查修测的核心任务是挖掘、利用前人资料和对前人资料的二次开发。在1∶25万玉林市幅数字地质填图试点的过程中,总结出一套基于数字填图系统的前人地质资料利用与数据采集的工作方法。其工作流程和工作步骤可分为6个阶段:① 前期准备阶段;② 室内地质资料录入阶段;③ 野外数字地质调查阶段;④室内资料整理阶段;⑤ 图件编制阶段;⑥ 成果提交阶段。该工作方法与传统的地质调查方法相比,提高了地质调查的工作效率和质量,已基本上达到了在1∶25万区调修测区推广应用的“实战性”要求。


      Abstract: The key task for 1∶250000 amendment regional geological survey is to tap and utilize previous geological data and conduct secondary exploitation of previous data. During the experimental stage of digital geological mapping of the 1∶250000 Yulin City Sheet in Guangxi, the authors summarized a set of work methods for the utilization of previous geological data and data collection based on the digital mapping system. The workflow and work steps of this work method can be divided into six stages: (1) preparative stage, (2) indoor geological data input stage, (3) field digital geological survey stage, (4) indoor geological data compilation and analysis stage, (5) map compilation stage, and (6) result submission stage. As compared with traditional method of regional geological survey, this work method has improved greatly work efficiency and quality of regional geological survey and essentially meets the requirements of popularizing its application in the 1∶250000 amendment regional geological survey areas.


