
    Organic contamination characteristics of shallow groundwater in a study area of the Taihu Lake basin,Jiangsu,China

    • 摘要: 对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。


      Abstract: The authors have summed up the characteristics of organic contamination of shallow groundwater in a study area of the Taihu Lake basin and studied the contamination sources,pathways and characteristics of organic contamination of shallow groundwater near typical contamination sources. The results show that the detection probabilities of compounds in groundwater are higher but the concentrations of the compounds are lower. The concentrations of all the components of BTEX and halocarbons are lower than the standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water except for benzene in a few sampling sites. In plan views,the higher concentration points are mostly found in the southeastern industrial zone of the study area. Such spatial distribution characteristics are apparently consistent with the distribution of the industrial zone. Vertically,the contamination of shallow groundwater is stronger,while that of deep groundwater is weaker. The contamination in shallow wells around typical contamination sources is more serious. However,as the distance of the sampling sites away from the typical contamination sources increases,the concentrations of various organic contaminants decline rapidly.


