
    Experimental study on concentration of winter brines in Zabuye Salt Lake, Tibet

    • 摘要: 本实验因地制宜,在充分利用西藏高原上独特的冷资源和优越的太阳能资源的前提下,采用天然多级冷冻分离和自然日晒富集相结合的思想指导实验操作。实验中,将扎布耶盐湖卤水天然冷冻后进行固液分离,分离后的余卤再日晒浓缩,然后进行下一级次冷冻分离,总体呈多级螺旋式推进。实验结果表明,Li^ 浓度为0.957g/L的初卤经多级冷冻日晒后,液相中Li^ 浓度可达7.97g/L,比用自然日晒法所获得的最高值2.8g/L高出近2倍,卤水中CO3^2 含量由初卤的20.2%降至11%-14%。该实验成果使下一步大规模工业LiaCO3生产所需的优质原料卤水的制取成为可能,并为完整优化工艺流程的建立提供了科学的实验依据。


      Abstract: Based on the local conditions, a new idea of combining the method of multi-level natural freezing-separation and natural solar evaporation-concentration is proposed to guide the experiment. The method fully uses the unique cold resources and solar resources on the Tibetan plateau. During the experiment, solid and liquid are separated after freezing of brines. The residual brines are subjected to solar evaporation and again frozen and separated, and this operation is repeated multiple times. The results of the experiment show that, after multi-level freezing and solar evaporation, the concentration of lithium ions in the brine goes up from 0.957 g/L at first to 7.97 g/L in the brines at last. This value is more than double the highest value of 2.8 g/L got by natural solar evaporation, and that the CO2-3 content decreases from 20.2% to 11-14%. This experiment makes it possible to provide good-quality brines for the large-scale extraction of Li2CO3 of industrial value and furnishes a scientific experimental basis for the establishment of a complete optimum technological process.


