
    Longitudinal profile analysis and spatial distribution characteristics of tributaries in the knickzone of the Lancang River

    • 摘要: 澜沧江作为湄公河的上游河段,是亚洲一条相当重要的河流。当澜沧江沿着青藏高原东南缘下降的过程中,在27.5-30.17°N附近形成了一条距离超过500公里的裂点带。为了探究构造作用在区域和局部尺度上对河流下切起到的调节作用,我们分析了云龙-察雅段的支流纵剖面,计算了裂点带内部和裂点带之下的河道陡度和下切量并重建了河流的空间模式,结果显示研究区支流河大部分处于瞬时状态,存在一个或两个裂点。根据裂点恢复得到的下切量在50-2700m之间,并显示出向北增加的空间趋势;同时,支流河上裂点高程和河道平均陡峭指数也显示同样向北增大的趋势。其他相关研究的测年结果也表明澜沧江沿岸河流阶地侵蚀速率与空间变化都与百万年和千万年尺度上的区域侵蚀速率相近。澜沧江沿岸不同时间尺度上的侵蚀速率和云龙-察雅段附近河流下切特征的空间差异性都表明了构造作用对塑造藏东南地貌过程中起到了主要作用。


      Abstract: The Lancang River, as the upper reach of the Mekong River, is the most one important rivers in Asia. There is a over 500 km knickzone  (27.5-30.17°N) of the Lancang River where it descends  the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. To explore the role of tectonics in controlling river incision at regional and local scales, we analyzed the rive  profile of Yunlong-Chaya tributary and calculate the channel steepness and incision amount within and below the knickzone, and reconstruct the spatial patterns of river. The results show that most of the tributaries are in a transient state with a or two knickpoints. The knickpoint recovery suggest a incision amount of ~ 50-2700 m and northward increasing trend. At the same time, the knickpoint elevation and mean channel steepness index of tributary also show the similar trend of northward increase. The low temperature thermochronology data suggest that the erosion rates and spatial variation of river terrace  are similar to the regional erosion rates on the million-year and tens of million-year scales. The spatiotemporal variation of the erosion rates along the Yunlong-Chaya reaches indicate that tectonics plays a key role in shaping the landscape of the southeast Tibet.


