
    Investigation on the characteristics nutrient content and prediction of available nutrients content in the soil of Longhai, Fujian Province

    • 摘要: 以福建龙海市为研究区,在不同地质背景、土地利用方式、土壤类型和土壤成因类型条件下进行样品采集,共采集56件土壤样品,测定pH值、有机质含量(SOM)、阳离子交换量(CEC)、营养元素全量及有效量。利用相关分析、线性回归分析等统计手段,探究土壤中营养元素有效量的影响因素,建立并验证了研究区土壤中营养元素有效量的预测模型,以此深入了解区内土壤养分状况,为该区土地的合理利用及治理提供科学依据。结果表明:龙海市土壤呈酸性—强酸性,有机质含量较低,阳离子交换量偏低;土壤中N、P、K、Mo、Zn元素全量相对富集;元素全量、有效量及其有效度变异性较强;土壤中B、Cu、K、Mn等营养元素全量与有效量相关性较好,土壤pH值对K、Mo、Si的有效度有一定影响,CEC与Si的有效度呈显著正相关,SOM增加有利于提高Cu、Fe、Mn、P、Zn等元素有效量。通过土壤全量分析数据及土壤理化指标建立的线性模型,可以预测表层土壤中Cu、Fe、Mo、Mo、P、S、Si等营养元素的有效量,若引入更多影响因子,将有利于进一步提高模型的拟合效果,使得预测更准确。


      Abstract: In this study, samples were collected in Longhai City, Fujian, under different geological backgrounds, land use types, soil types, and soil formation conditions.A total of 56 soil samples were collected and analyzed for pH value, organic matter content(SOM), cation exchange capacity(CEC), total and available nutrient content.Statistical methods such as correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were used to explore the factors influencing the available nutrient content in the soil.A prediction model for the available nutrient content in the soil of the study area was established and validated.This study aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nutrient status of the soil in the area and provide scientific basis for the rational utilization and management of land in the region.The results show that in the study area, the soil in Longhai City is characterized by acidity to strong acidity, low organic matter content, and a relatively low cation exchange capacity.The soil shows relative enrichment of elements such as N, P, K, Mo, and Zn in terms of total quantity.There is also significant variability in the total quantity, available quantity, and effectiveness of these elements.The soil analysis data reveals good correlations between the total and available quantities of nutrients such as B, Cu, K, and Mn.The pH of the soil has a certain influence on the effectiveness of K, Mo, and Si, while the cation exchange capacity(CEC) shows a significant positive correlation with the effectiveness of Si.Increasing soil organic matter(SOM) is beneficial for improving the available quantities of elements such as Cu, Fe, Mn, P, and Zn.Linear models based on soil analysis data and soil physicochemical indicators can be used to predict the available quantities of nutrients such as Cu, Fe, Mo, P, S, and Si in the surface soil.Introducing more influencing factors would further improve the fitting effect of the models and enhance the accuracy of predictions.


