
    Marine spatial planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction

    • 摘要: 随着人类活动逐渐向海洋发展延伸到国家管辖范围外区域(ABNJ),各种资源开发利用活动之间以及资源开发利用与生态环境保护会不可避免地产生冲突。为了解决冲突产生的社会、经济、生态等方面的问题,在ABNJ实行海洋空间规划就成为了必然的选择。但目前ABNJ海洋空间规划存在法律制度不健全、主体限制、方法数据支撑不足等现实问题,为其具体实施带来了困难。梳理了海洋空间规划理念的来源及发展历程,归纳总结了海洋保护区、生物和生态学重要意义的海洋区域、参照区、环境特别受关注区等相关国家管辖范围内外区域海洋空间规划实践的形式,探讨了未来ABNJ海洋空间规划可能的管理模式(全球模式、区域模式、混合模式)和分类体系(资源开发区、资源利用区、资源保护区),并针对现存问题提出完善法律基础、建立协调和监管机制、构建综合评价系统等工作方向,以期促进国家管辖范围外区域的生态环境保护和资源可持续开发利用。


      Abstract: With the development of human activities to the ocean and extending to areas beyond national jurisdiction, conflicts will inevitably arise between various resource development and utilization activities and ecological environmental protection. In order to solve the social, economic, and ecological problems caused by the conflict, marine spatial planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction has become an inevitable choice, but the current marine spatial planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction has practical problems such as imperfect legal support system, planning subject restrictions and insufficient methodological data support. This article sorts out the origin and development of marine spatial planning, summarized the types and ideas of different practice forms of spatial planning in areas within and beyond national jurisdiction, such as marine protected areas, ecologically or biologically significant areas, reference zones, and areas of particular environmental interest, analyzed the management model(global model, regional model, hybrid model) and possible classification system(resource development zones, resource utilization zones, and resource protection zones) of marine spatial planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction in the future, and put forward the direction of the next work such as improving the legal foundation, establishing coordination mechanisms, and building a comprehensive evaluation system for existing problems in order to promote international ecological environment protection and sustainable use of resources.


