In 1986, the soft-bodied medusoid fossils(Cnidaria or Coelenterata) were firstly found from the Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group(Mesoproterozoic Era) in Qipanmo, Yangjiatun, Yangjuangou, and Zaofang-shen vallge, Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, North China by Regional Geological surveying Part, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Liaoning Province, China.Then, meduoids fossils were described by many palaeotologists.To sum up, the soft-bodied meduoid fossils from Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group is more researched, including 9 genera, 9 sipecies, among them, 7 new genera and 4 new species by the auther.The soft-bodied medusoid fossils of Wangjiatan Formation is one of the three famous shale facies fossil assemblages after the Chengjiang soft-bodied metazoan, Kaili soft-bodied metazoan, and Burgess soft-bodied metazoan of the Early-Middle Cambrian Series in the world. This shale facies fossil assemblages is named as Jinzhou soft-bodied metazoan by the auther.More research of the soft-bodied medusoid fossils from the Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group is of the great scientific significance in the research of origin and evolution of the metazoan.