
    More research of the oldest medusa-type(Cnidaria)fossils from the Wangjiatan Formationin in the Jinzhou District, Dalian city, Liaoning Province

    • 摘要: 1986年在辽宁大连市金州区棋盘磨海滨金县群王家坦组发现水母型化石后,许多学者进行了研究。笔者对现有的化石标本(包括前人标本图片)重新进行了观察,初步辨认出水母型化石的上伞面、下伞面、垂唇和小口、胃腔、辐管、环管、缘膜、4个生殖腺和4个口腕,以及缘触手、感觉棒等构造,确认它们属于最原始的后生刺胞动物水母型化石。页岩相王家坦组软躯体水母型化石的确认,可与世界著名的页岩相澄江动物群、凯里动物群和布尔吉斯动物群相媲美,称为金州动物群。关于金县群的时代,开始均认为属震旦纪,即埃迪卡拉纪,生物地层、同位素年代学及区域构造运动的最新研究成果证明,金县群应属中元古代延展纪,在1400~1200 Ma范围内。在如此古老的地层中发现水母型化石,对后生动物的起源-演化等生物学和古生物学研究,具有重大的科学意义。文中描述了9属9种,包括7新属4新种,修订了一些老属老种。


      Abstract: In 1986, the soft-bodied medusoid fossils(Cnidaria or Coelenterata) were firstly found from the Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group(Mesoproterozoic Era) in Qipanmo, Yangjiatun, Yangjuangou, and Zaofang-shen vallge, Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, North China by Regional Geological surveying Part, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Liaoning Province, China.Then, meduoids fossils were described by many palaeotologists.To sum up, the soft-bodied meduoid fossils from Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group is more researched, including 9 genera, 9 sipecies, among them, 7 new genera and 4 new species by the auther.The soft-bodied medusoid fossils of Wangjiatan Formation is one of the three famous shale facies fossil assemblages after the Chengjiang soft-bodied metazoan, Kaili soft-bodied metazoan, and Burgess soft-bodied metazoan of the Early-Middle Cambrian Series in the world. This shale facies fossil assemblages is named as Jinzhou soft-bodied metazoan by the auther.More research of the soft-bodied medusoid fossils from the Wangjiatan Formation, Jinxian Group is of the great scientific significance in the research of origin and evolution of the metazoan.


