
    Research and prospect of geological survey technical standard system

    • 摘要: 为助力新时代地质调查工作高质量发展,充分发挥标准化支撑引领作用,以历版地质调查技术标准体系及其相关体系为参考,总结特点和规律,引入系统思想,依托信息化技术,对现代化地质调查技术标准体系构建提出展望。研究认为,地质调查技术标准体系演绎展现了地质调查业务发展的轨迹和特征;呈现出以5年为周期的规律;逐渐呈现复杂系统性。研究提出全领域、多门类、智能化标准体系的构建可以分阶段实现:①以业务领域、技术方法、管理为分类属性,构建三维数字化地质调查标准体系格架;②依托信息化技术呈现标准体系表;③以机器可读标准和地球科学知识图谱为引擎,推动标准体系升级,为地质调查工作科学、健康和高效发展提供更多的标准数据支持和前瞻启示。


      Abstract: In order to play the role of standardization in supporting and leading the high-quality development of geological survey in new era, this paper reviews the history of geological survey technical standard system, and summarizes the characteristics and rules.This study puts forward the prospect of the construction of modern geological survey technical standard system, relying on information technology and system science.The research believes that the technical standard system of geological survey shows the track and characteristics of the development of geological survey business; has a five-year cycle; appears complex and systematic.This study proposes that the construction of all-field, muti-category and intelligent standard system can be realized gradually in stages: ①construct a 3D framework of digital geological survey standard system with work fields, technologies and management as three dimensions.②develop the table of standards system relying on information technology.③promote the upgrading of standard system, with Machine Readable Standards and Earth Science Knowledge Graph as engines, to provide more standard data and prospective enlightenment for the scientific, healthy and efficient development of geological survey.


