
    Metallogenic belt division and status of mineral exploration and development in Ghana

    • 摘要: 加纳矿产资源丰富,优势矿产资源主要有金、铝土、锰、金刚石等,是国际矿业公司勘查和开发的热点国家之一。与此相对,加纳地质矿产工作程度总体较低,缺少全国性区域成矿规律总结,其资源潜力也缺少科学评价,制约了中资企业在加纳的矿业投资抉择与部署。在前人研究基础上,梳理总结了加纳的区域地质背景和优势矿产资源特征,进而划分出6个Ⅳ级成矿带,并总结了各成矿带的地质矿产特征,初步分析评价了各类矿产资源潜力。通过搜集整理各类资料、数据,总结了加纳的矿产勘查开发现状,对中资企业在加纳的矿业投资方向提出具体建议,为中资企业"走出去"开展矿业合作提供参考。


      Abstract: Ghana is rich in mineral resources, and dominant mineral resources are gold, bauxite, manganese, diamond and so on.Ghana is one of the hotspot of exploration and development for international mining companies.In contrast, the working degree of geology and mineral resources in Ghana is generally low, lack of regional metallogenetic regularity summary and scientific evaluation of mineral resources potential, which restricts the choice and deployment of chinese companies in Ghana's mining investment.In this paper, on the basis of predecessors study, the regional geological background and the characteristics of dominant mineral resources in Ghana are clarified.And six Ⅳ-level metallogenic belts are divided, the geological and mineral characteristics of each metallogenic belt are summarized, and the mineral resources potential is evaluated.By collecting and sorting out various information and data, this paper summarized the current status of mineral exploration and development in Ghana, provided some specific suggestions on the mining investment in Ghana, and reference for overseas mining cooperation.


