
    Uplifting and erosion process of Wuling Concave Field, Southeast margin Yangtze Platform since Cenozoic—evidence of fission track of clastic apatite

    • 摘要: 为揭示扬子板块东南缘新生代以来的热隆升历史, 选取扬子地台东南缘武陵凹陷区为研究区, 开展磷灰石裂变径迹测年和热演化史模拟, 揭示扬子地台东南缘武陵凹陷区古近纪以来的构造-热演化过程。测年结果显示, 武陵凹陷区自晚中生代以来经历了晚三叠世—白垩纪的坳陷沉降和白垩纪末期以后的持续隆升剥蚀2个构造发展演化阶段。定量分析结果显示, 研究区新生代以来的隆升可分为2期: Ⅰ期自约80 Ma开始, 该隆升事件的启动应与四川运动有关; Ⅱ期自约28 Ma开始, 该时期持续的隆升与印度板块和欧亚板块在雅鲁藏布江带的碰撞有关。扬子地台东南缘武陵凹陷区的磷灰石裂变径迹数据, 揭示了武陵凹陷区的构造-热演化过程, 弥补了该区热年代学研究的不足, 对揭示武陵凹陷区乃至整个中上扬子中—新生代的构造热演化过程具有重要意义。


      Abstract: In order to reveal the thermal uplifting history of Southeast margin Yangtze Block since Cenozoic Era, in this paper, it selects Wuling Concave Field of Southeast margin Yangtze Platform as the study area, performs the dating of clastic apatite fission track and imitate the thermal evolution, and reveals the tectonic-thermal evolution of Wuling Concave Field at Southeast margin of Yangtze platform since Paleogene. The results show that the study area experienced two evolution stages. By the quantitative analysis, it can be known that uplifting at the study area since cretaceous period can be divided into two periods, Period Ⅰ started from 80 Ma in which the start of uplifting linked with Sichuan Movement, Period Ⅱ started from about 28 Ma in which the continuous uplifting linked with the impact between India Plate and Eurasian Plate at the Yarlung Zangbo River. For the first time, this research got the fission track data of clastic apatite in Wuling Concave Field of Southeast margin of Yangtze Platform, which revealed the tectonic-thermal evolution at Wuling Concave Field and covered the shortage of thermochronology in the study area. Actually, this research plays a significant role in revealing the tectonic-thermal evolution of Wuling Concave Field, even middle and upper Yangtze Region at Mesozoic and Cenozoic.


