
    Metallogenic regularity and resources potential of Alto Ligonha Ta-Nb rare element metallogenic belt in Mozambique

    • 摘要: 莫桑比克上利戈尼亚钽-铌稀有元素成矿带位于中南部非洲达马拉-赞比西亚巨型成矿域东段莫桑比克活动带内, 已发现钽-铌稀有元素矿床、矿点149处, 成矿类型均为伟晶岩型。成矿带内伟晶岩主要为泛非造山作用晚期岩浆结晶分异的产物, 成岩时代为440~450 Ma和470~490 Ma, 已发现的伟晶岩可划分为5条伟晶岩带, 12个伟晶岩田, 46个伟晶岩群, 超过100个伟晶岩矿化区, 与成矿关系密切的LCT (锂-铯-钽)型伟晶岩矿物分带性明显, 其中Ta-Nb等成矿元素主要赋存于长石带和锂化带中。钽-铌稀有元素矿床成矿时代与伟晶岩成岩时代相同, 主要集中于440~450 Ma和470~480 Ma。矿床的产出受纳玛玛逆冲推覆带、穆格巴飞来峰控制作用明显, 矿体产于纳玛玛逆冲推覆带和穆格巴飞来峰边缘环状区南北两侧的EW向、NW向断裂带内的LCT型伟晶岩中, 呈脉状、透镜状、板状产出。各矿区自SE→NW或SEE→NWW稀有金属矿化组合具有由简单向复杂, 成矿元素种类由单一向综合方向演化的趋势, 表明岩浆结晶分异程度在不断升高。结合已有资料, 将上利戈尼亚稀有元素成矿带筛选出11处成矿远景区, 其中重点远景区6处, 一般远景区5处, 对重点远景区开展了资源潜力分析, 指明了找矿方向。


      Abstract: Alto Ligonha Ta-Nb rare element metallogenic beltin Mozambique active belt is located in the eastern part of the Damara-Zambezia giant metallogenic domain in central and southern Africa.149 Ta-Nb rare element deposits and occurrences have been found, and the metallogenic types are pegmatite type.The pegmatites in the metallogenic belt are mainly the product of magmatic crystallization differentiation in the late Pan African orogeny and the diagenetic ages are 440~450 Ma and 470~490 Ma.The pegmatites in the metallogenic belt can be divided into 5 pegmatite belts, 12 pegmatite fields, 46 pegmatite groups and more than 100 pegmatite mineralized areas.The LCT(Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum)pegmatites closely related to mineralization are obvious zoned.Among them, Ta-Nb and other metallogenic elements mainly occur in feldspar belt and lithium belt.The metallogenic epoch of Ta-Nb rare element deposits are the same as pegmatites, mainly concentrated in 440 ~ 450 Ma and 470 ~ 480 Ma.The deposits are obviously controlled by Namama thrust belt and Mugeba klippe.The ore body occurs in the LCT type pegmatite of the Namama thrust belt and EW, NW fault zones in the south and north sides marginal ring area of Mugeba klippe, and occurs in vein, lenticular, and plate shapes.From SE to NW or SEE to NWW, the rare element mineralized association in each mining area has a trend from simple to complex, and the types of ore-forming elements have evolved from single to comprehensive, indicating that the degree of magmatic crystallization differentiation is increasing.Combined with the existing data, the Alto Ligonha rare element metallogenic belt can be divided into 11 metallogenic prospect areas, including 6 key prospect areas and 5 general prospect areas, which analyzed the resource potential of the key prospect areas and pointed out the prospecting direction.


