
    Progress of public oil and gas geological survey during the 13th Five-Year Plan period and prospect forecast for the 14th Five-Year Plan

    • 摘要: "十三五"期间, 公益性油气调查立足支撑国家能源安全保障工作定位, 针对新区、新层系、新类型、新领域开展基础地质调查和战略选区评价, 相继在长江经济带页岩气、松辽盆地陆相页岩油气、北方新区新层系油气, 以及煤层气等非常规油气地质调查领域取得了突破性成果, 解决了一批油气基础地质问题和工程技术难题。初步构建起长江经济带页岩气勘探开发新格局, 有力推动了松辽盆地陆相页岩油气勘探开发进程。优选的勘查区块有效支撑国家油气勘查开采体制改革, 助推形成了多处油气页岩气资源基地。"十四五"时期, 油气地质调查需要依靠科技创新和信息化两大引擎, 突出大型盆地整体结构调查和综合评价, 聚焦非常规、深层油气, 优选优质勘查区块, 着力支撑油气勘查开采体制改革与矿产资源管理改革, 推动构建公益性与商业性油气勘探有效衔接新机制, 服务油气资源产业高质量发展。


      Abstract: Based on fully supporting the basic orientation of national energy and resource security, China Geological Survey has strengthened oil and gas investigation in new areas, new strata, new types and new fields during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.It has successively made a number of breakthroughs in shale gas investigation in the Yangtze River economic belt, shale oil investigation in Songliao Basin, oil and gas investigation in new strata systems and new area of North China.Furthermore, it solved a number of basic geology and engineering problems on oil and gas exploration.It has greatly promoted the exploration of shale gas in the Yangtze River economic belt and shale oil in Songliao Basin, and effectively supported the reform of national oil& gas exploration system.During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China Geological Survey will adhere to the orientation of non-profit, rely on the "two engines" of scientific innovation and informatization, work on large basin overall structure investigation and comprehensive evaluation oil & gas investigation and unconventional oil& gas investigation, support the reform of oil & gas exploration system, building an effective connection mechanism between non-profit and commercial oil & gas exploration, contributing to the high quality development of oil & gas resources industry.


