The Liaoshang gold deposit is located in the northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin.It is the only super-large gold deposit in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula.This paper discusses the genesis of the Liaoshang gold deposit through fluid inclusions and H-O-C-S-Pb isotopic geochemistry.The fluid inclusions in the main ore-forming stage have a completely uniform temperature range of 125~345℃, the main metallogenic temperature range of 260~320℃, salinity of 2.22%~13.87%NaCl
eqv, and fluid density of 0.68~1.02 g/cm
3, indicating that the ore-forming fluid is a reductive hydrothermal system with medium-low temperature, medium-low salinity, low density, and rich in CO
2. H and O isotopes(δD=-82.6‰~-68.9‰, δ
W-SMOW=0.24‰~+3.33‰) and fluid inclusion composition indicate that the ore-forming fluid is a mixed fluid of mantle hydrothermal fluid and magmatic hydrothermal fluid + atmospheric precipitation.The carbon and oxygen isotope composition(δ
PDB=-2.9‰~-4.7‰, and δ
SMOW=6.9‰~9.6‰, ) indicate that C in the ore-forming fluid originated from the granite source area.The δ
34S of the ore ranges from 7.6‰ to 12.6‰.
204Pb ratios ranging from 17.202 to 17.955,
204Pb ratios ranging from 15.457 to 15.577, and
204Pb ratios ranging from 37.729 to 38.341, indicate that the lead source is the Early Cambrian metamorphic rock series mainly from the lower crust, mixed with mantle-derived lead.Studies indicate that the Liaoshang gold deposit is a magmatic hydrothermal gold deposit related to the Early Cretaceous Weideshan-type granite.The mixture of magmatic hydrothermal fluids related to the activity of crust-mantle mixed granite magma, mantle fluids and atmospheric precipitation produced fluid immiscible mineralization under the effect of heat uplift-extension structure.