In recent years, the deep prospecting in Jiaodong area has made great breakthroughs.It is of great significance to study the 3D spatial characteristics of gold deposits for deepening the understanding of metallogenic regularity and guiding deep prospecting.Based on the data of 500 boreholes, a 3D model of Jiaojia area in Jiaodong is established, and the three-dimensional spatial characteristics of gold deposits are analyzed.Through three-dimensional transparency analysis, it is found that the main ore bodies of several shallow mining areas, which used to be independent gold deposit exploration and mining, are connected to the deep, forming the same super giant gold deposit with a resource of more than 1000 t.The deposit is mainly composed of three ore bodies.The Jiaojia fault, which is the host of ore, fluctuates greatly in three-dimensional space and presents a shovel ladder shape along the dip.The main ore body locates at parts of turning point lower of the fracture inclination.3D distribution map of orebody thickness shows that there are several high value areas.Along the strike and dip of ore body, the thickness presents the alternation of thick and thin.The correlation coefficient between ore body grade and thickness is 0.337.The 3D distribution of ore body mineralization intensity shows that there are four mineralization enrichment areas.The analysis shows that the mineralization enrichment area is consistent with the fault dip angle change position, and the ore body is mainly concentrated in the lower dip angle position.It is considered that deep prospecting should pay attention to the analysis of the 3D spatial variation of fault structure and the application of ladder model.