胶西北水旺庄金矿床3000 m深度找矿预测

    Prospecting prediction and verification at a depth of 3000 m in the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit, northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China

    • 摘要: 水旺庄金矿床位于胶西北招平断裂带北段玲珑金矿田东南缘,累计探明金资源量逾180 t,已控制矿体最大垂深2200 m。目前,胶西北主要金矿田深部找矿的深度均已达2000 m,正确认识3000 m深度的找矿前景,既是该区域进一步开展深部找矿的现实需要,也对全国深部找矿具有重要的示范意义。通过对矿床地质特征、矿化富集规律、深部地球物理探测等研究,预测了水旺庄金矿床的深部找矿前景,并进行了深部钻探验证。同时,对区内深部金资源潜力进行了讨论。研究表明,水旺庄金矿床主要矿体严格受控于NNE—NE走向招平断裂带,具有NE向侧伏和SE向倾伏的特征,沿侧伏和倾伏方向金矿化具有分段富集的规律,预测在5号勘探线以东、-2200 m标高以深会出现新的矿化富集区。大地电磁测深剖面显示,招平断裂带向深部延伸稳定,沿倾向具有波状起伏的特征,于-2500~-3000 m标高范围倾角明显变缓,由27°变为18°,指示该区域具有良好的深部找矿前景。根据预测结果,实施了3000.58 m钻孔进行验证,于2831.15~2832.65 m深度探获厚1.50 m、品位达6.85 g/t的金矿体。进一步分析认为,招平断裂带北段深部找矿潜力巨大,初步预测在-2000~-3000 m深度存在第三矿化富集带,预测金资源量可能超400 t。


      Abstract: The Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit is located at the southeast segment of the Linglong goldfield, northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, with a pre-mining endowment more than 180 t of gold.The maximum controlled depth of the orebodies is 2200 m.At present, the prospect depth of main gold fields in the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula has reached 2000 m, a correct understanding of the prospecting potential at a depth of 3000 m is not only a practical need for further deep prospecting in this region, but also has important demonstration significance for deep prospecting throughout the country.Basing on the research of geological characteristics, mineralization enrichment regularities and deep geophysical probing, deep prospecting potential of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit was implemented, and the deep drill hole was constructed to verify its effect.At the same time, the deep gold resources potential is discussed.The main orebodies are controlled by the NEE- to NE-trending Zhaoping fault system, with NE direction of lateral trending and SE direction of plunging.The orebodies segment into a number of enrichment zones along the lateral trending and plunging direction.The orebodies may extend to the east of No.5 exploration line, and below the depth of -2200 m.The MT profile shows that the Zhaoping fault system extend stably to the deep, and the dip angle changes from 27° to 18° at a depth of -2500~-3000 m, indicating good prospecting potential.According to the prospecting results, a 3000.58 m drill hole was constructed, and one gold orebody with thickness of 1.5 m and gold grade of 6.85 g/t was found from 2831.15 m to 2832.65 m.Further analysis shows huge potential of the deep in the northern Zhaoping fault system.It is predicted that there exists a third mineralization enrichment zone at the depth of -2000 ~ -3000 m, and the gold resources may exceed 400 t.


