The Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit is located at the southeast segment of the Linglong goldfield, northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, with a pre-mining endowment more than 180 t of gold.The maximum controlled depth of the orebodies is 2200 m.At present, the prospect depth of main gold fields in the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula has reached 2000 m, a correct understanding of the prospecting potential at a depth of 3000 m is not only a practical need for further deep prospecting in this region, but also has important demonstration significance for deep prospecting throughout the country.Basing on the research of geological characteristics, mineralization enrichment regularities and deep geophysical probing, deep prospecting potential of the Shuiwangzhuang gold deposit was implemented, and the deep drill hole was constructed to verify its effect.At the same time, the deep gold resources potential is discussed.The main orebodies are controlled by the NEE- to NE-trending Zhaoping fault system, with NE direction of lateral trending and SE direction of plunging.The orebodies segment into a number of enrichment zones along the lateral trending and plunging direction.The orebodies may extend to the east of No.5 exploration line, and below the depth of -2200 m.The MT profile shows that the Zhaoping fault system extend stably to the deep, and the dip angle changes from 27° to 18° at a depth of -2500~-3000 m, indicating good prospecting potential.According to the prospecting results, a 3000.58 m drill hole was constructed, and one gold orebody with thickness of 1.5 m and gold grade of 6.85 g/t was found from 2831.15 m to 2832.65 m.Further analysis shows huge potential of the deep in the northern Zhaoping fault system.It is predicted that there exists a third mineralization enrichment zone at the depth of -2000 ~ -3000 m, and the gold resources may exceed 400 t.