
    3D geological modeling of Jiaojia-Sanshandao fault zone in Jiaodong based on comprehensive geophysical constraints: metallogenic characteristics and implications for ore prospecting

    • 摘要: 焦家和三山岛断裂金矿带是胶东深部找矿取得重大突破的典型地区,但该区的深部地质结构和找矿前景尚不清晰。基于高精度重力、磁法及CSAMT数据综合约束的地球物理三维正反演技术,建立了该金矿带三维地质-物性综合模型。模型展现了与金成矿有关的新太古代变质岩系、中生代花岗岩类和断裂构造的深部三维空间特征,揭示了赋矿的焦家和三山岛断裂产状空间变化特征、深部交会趋势,为进一步开展深部找矿和相关理论研究提供了重要依据。研究认为,基于地球物理正反演的三维地质建模方法适用于地球物理工作程度高、深部地质结构信息相对匮乏的地区,在一定程度上可以提高模型深部结构可靠性,具有一定的推广意义。


      Abstract: Jiaojia and Sanshandao fault gold belt is a typical area where great breakthrough has been made in the deep prospecting of Jiaodong area, but the deep geological structure and the prospects for further prospecting are not clear.In this paper, a 3D comprehensive geological and geophysical model of the gold deposit belt is established, which is based on the geophysical 3D forward and inversion technique constrainted by high precision gravity and magnetic data and the CSAMT data.The model shows the deep 3D features of Neoarchean metamorphic rock series and Mesozoic granitoids and fault structures related to gold mineralization, in particular, it reveals the spatial variation characteristics of the attitude of the Jiaojia faults and Sanshandao faults, as well as the trend of their meeting.It provides important evidences for further deep prospecting and related theoretical research.The study shows that the 3D geological modeling method based on geophysical forward and inversion is suitable for the areas where the geophysical work is done more and the deep geological structure information is lacked.It can improve the reliability of the model to a certain extent and has a certain significance of popularization.


