The scheelite in the mining area has high Sm and Nd contents, low Sm/Nd ratio.Its Sm-Nd isochron age is 401.5±9.4 Ma (2σ, MSWD=0.90), and the initial ratio of
144Nd is 0.5120214±0.0000098, indicating that the deposit was formed in the Late Caledonian period.Scheelite
εNd (
t)value is -1.91~1.99, suggesting that the ore-forming material of the deposit mainly comes from the crust.Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the main ore-hosting granite in the mining area shows that its petrogenetic age is 423.7±2.7 Ma (2σ, MSWD=0.61), belonging to the first intrusive episode of Late Caledonian granites.Its major element contents and characteristic parameters vary widely.Its source rocks are mainly sand clastic rocks and mudstones from the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic basement crust, and it may have assimilated and mixed some Jinningian Ca and Mg-rich magmatic rocks.Based on the results of this study and previous data, it is considered that the tectonic-magmatic activities and metallogenesis in Miaoershan area and South China are multicyclic.The dominant petrogenetic and metallogenic time of the northern and southern sections of the Miaoershan pluton are Caledonian and Indosinian respectively, showing an overall "Caledonian for north and Indosinian for south" pattern.This study aims to provide a basis for guiding the prospecting work in the area and improving the petrogenetic and metallogenic theory in South China.